Angels grove ranch
Saving Animals & Finding Homes
Our History
Our mission is Give a horse a second chance and a child a new beginning. Angels Grove Ranch will improve the quality of life for all horses by improving the lives of children through their bond with the horses. We are committed to the rescue and rehabilitation of equines suffering from abuse, as well as providing a home for working equines. We work diligently to create inspiring educational programs while maintaining the standards of health and safety of all children and horses.
Angels Grove is a 501c3 non-profit 10 acre ranch nestled in the heart of Bush, Louisiana. Here you will find not only horses, but pigs, goats, donkeys, peacocks, rabbits, ducks, dogs, cats, and birds.
Lisa Massimini
- CHA horsemanship certifications
- Level 1,2,3 western and English riding
- 1 disability therapeutic instructor
- Level 1 and 2 LSU master horsemanship certificate
- 4th instructor world champion
- CMSA SL1 Reserve champion champion Churchill silvers 2008
- Competition trails
- Riding since age eleven
- Present owner of Angel’s Grove ranch and rescue
- Degree in science
- Certification is personal health fitness.
- 1991 Ms.Louisiana aau
- 1995 Ms.Louisiana npc
- 2008 exca reserved world regional champion
- 2016 La state champion cmsa sl1 champion
- 2016 world champion cmsa sl1
- 2021 churchill reserved silvers champion

Founder/Owner angels Grove Ranch & Rescue
Lisa Massimini is the founder and president of Angel’s Grove horse rescue. She is a certified level 4 riding instructor. She is also certified as a therapeutic riding instructor. Lisa has a heart for rescuing horses and helping children and adults with mental and physical disabilities through horse therapy.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Our mission is Give a horse a second chance and a child a new beginning. Angels Grove Ranch will improve the quality of life for all horses by improving the lives of children through their bond with the horses. We are committed to the rescue and rehabilitation of equines suffering from abuse, as well as providing a home for working equines. We work diligently to create inspiring educational programs while maintaining the standards of health and safety of all children and horses.